Packaging of the femoral head
We provide you with the sterile kit. Please visit the reserved area to see our photographic operative instructions:
- Mod 78 SL – Sampling and packaging of the femoral head
- Mod 79 SL – Opening and use instructions for the femoral head packaging kit

Blood Sampling
- Vacutainer sterile tubes, purple top
- Possibly 9ml
Aliquoting and Freezing Plasma
- Cryovial sterile tubes, 5 and 3 ml
- Cryobox or similar trays to keep them vertical in the freezer
Please ask for help in aliquoting and freezing plasma in your transfusional or laboratory services.
Storing femoral heads and plasma
Freezer at – 80°C with a warning system
Human Resources and Organisation
- Medical staff that can carry out the clinical examination of the potential donor.
- Surgical Nurses trained in packaging and microbiological sampling.
- A Coordinator who can take care of the communication between you and our Musculoskeletal Tissue Bank BTM, who can also be responsible for gathering and sending documents.
- The laboratory for microbiological screening on harvested tissues, according to the research protocol for the presence of aerobic/anaerobic bacteria and fungi. Please visit the reserved area to see the instruction on microbiological screening.
See the following documents in the reserved area to find out how to proceed:
- M01/PO-01 – self-assessment checklist for applicants
- Mod 97 SL – Questionnaire and informed consent for the live donor of femoral heads
- Mod 72 SL – preliminary certificate of suitability for the donor
- M02/PO-01 – Data-Collection for the donor of femoral head/musculoskeletal autologous tissue
- Mod 3 SL – Self-declaration for Viral diseases
- Register - Femoral heads explants in surgery rooms
Attached videos and documents
LG TESSUTI_64330_1.pdf