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How to Apply

Please note that the following information is for Italian facilities only. If you are a Foreign Facility and want to apply for a tissue request, please see the attachment below (ALL.24-PO-04 BTM FOREIGN POLICY – REV.0)
You need to send your application for musculoskeletal tissue at least 15 days before the surgery date by filling in the designated form M02-PO-04.
For orthodontists – otolaryngologists – maxillofacial surgeons fill in the customised form M03-PO-04
The application has to be under one name as each tissue has to be received, by law, by one patient only. The application has to be completed with all details required and sent via email to or FAX +390514689920.

You must provide the date, time and name of the carrier taking care of the parcel pickup. In case you cannot provide a carrier, you need to write in the form that transportation must be organised by us. In this case, you are going to be charged with the cost of transportation.

Please note that our medical and technical staff is available to provide information and consultation on the type of processed tissue best suited for your requirements or any other specific request. Please do not hesitate to get in touch by calling us at +390516366488.

Please note that we recommend you get in touch also for custom or massive bone grafts, for which we can also provide imaging documentation.

Cuneo spongioso in confezione sterile
Cancellous wedge in sterile packaging

How to apply if a Tissue Bank is available in your Region

If in your area there is a Tissue Bank of reference, you will need to apply to them first. They will get in touch with us in case of any tissue unavailability.

How to apply if there is NO Tissue Bank available in your Region

If in your area there is no Tissue Bank of reference, please get in touch with your Regional Transplant Centre which will recommend a Tissue Bank, or ask you for one of your choices.

What happens next

By law, you must inform us once you have implanted the tissue we provided. To do so, please fill in the “Declaration of use” form we sent you along with the tissue. We also guarantee the conservation of tissue data, following current guidelines. 
If you have not used the tissue we provided, you can send it back to us with the “Declaration of non-use and good conservation” that we sent you along with the tissue. 
Please apply for tissue only if you are certain of an implant on the recipient. Please note we do not accept back any tissue already opened or partially used in surgery rooms.

We care about not wasting any tissue, we confide in you helping us in this by following our instructions. 

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